Until recently, I was the Prime Minister's Special Adviser in the UK. I worked on science and tech, like setting up a new ARPA, doing good stuff on AI, and becoming a Science Superpower. Importantly, I tried to prevent extreme risks.
Before that I did a PhD at the Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. I researched causal and interpretable machine learning at X, Google's moonshot lab, and Babylon Health. My guiding vision is a high-growth, sustainable, equitable world for all. I'd really like to automate science and the economy. You can find me on Twitter.I'm exploring new things. Get in touch.
I curate interesting papers here – you might like them.
In the past I've been an entrepreneur, salsa dancer, and rower. I started and ran RAIL, helped launch a biotech startup, a fellowship for social entrepreneurs, and worked for a long time to help kids with Arthritis.
I write some things here → and here are some papers you should write.
Reading topic of the month: potpourri. Currently reading A Fire Upon the Deep and The Human use of Human Beings.